Monday, November 28, 2011

Racism on Pico

Being that I have obsessed with the casino I havent posted in awhile but this issue in Pico isnt new but it surely is pissing me off. I will first start off by saying that no matter how many racist people there are I WILL NEVER BECOME LIKE THEM. That makes me worse because I know how it feels to be treated by them. Now as many may have noticed I changed my look and name because I am keeping a low profile due to a hacker named and her leader named. These people have been threatening me my friends and others who they believe to be black more importantly "rich" picos are their main target. I have already reported the main person threatening us and will continue to report if pico does nothing I am even willing to take this higher then just facebook or mochi games because I AM SICK OF IT and I will be heard, as you may know Im not some teeny bopper I know things and people so this will not go away.

Also I also have been aware of this racism for awhile and have experienced the bias one to many times esp in fashion shows, if these people feel this way of blacks why not just stay on pigg which is more of their kind rather than harass others who  arent starting trouble smh.

Well tonight I experienced an incident while in the Hatsune Miku room I was just standing there and a guy on a black escargot came up to me and said not cute referring to my skin tone and may I point out he was white or fair skinned and I am not lol but he proceeded to say it more than once and thats when I got mad but I kept calm and then his friend jumped in with calling me Snookie(jersey shore chick) as an insult and it was an Etoile an ETOILE I have met many of them including AYA MaiRie and MaRi who all btw are very nice and kind picos which is why I was surprised at his comment and of course the encouraging laughter I do however understand that he does not reflect all of the Etoiles who against cyber bullying might I add.

Below is the chat history of what I could get and names of the two people.

ßryWIJ Étoile

♣♠ Ƭ O Ƙ ϊ ►©

(21:54) ♣♠ Ƭ O Ƙ ϊ ►©: not cute
(21:54) H²O ™   : =='
(21:54) ♣♠ Ƭ O Ƙ ϊ ►©: T^T
(21:54) ƝƛƲƓӇƬƳ❤ƁƦƖƬƬ: send me a request
(21:54) ƝƛƲƓӇƬƳ❤ƁƦƖƬƬ: :)
(21:54) H²O ™   : i wanna eat
(21:54) Mr.Ƥico: Blacn adn red line
(21:54) ßryWIJ Étoile: why?
(21:54) ßryWIJ Étoile: whats going on?
(21:54) Mr.Ƥico: and*
(21:54) ♣♠ Ƭ O Ƙ ϊ ►©: her face
(21:54) ßryWIJ Étoile: o.O
(21:54) ƝƛƲƓӇƬƳ❤ƁƦƖƬƬ: not u
(21:54) ƝƛƲƓӇƬƳ❤ƁƦƖƬƬ: her
(21:54) H²O ™   : lunch
(21:54) Angel870: ok heard the first time
(21:54)      : x ilang lagi pening sial
(21:54) ♣♠ Ƭ O Ƙ ϊ ►©: ><
(21:54)               : pe tu man
(21:55)               : kau cakap cm keling
(21:55)               : hahahaha
(21:55) ♣♠ Ƭ O Ƙ ϊ ►©: not cute
(21:55) ßryWIJ Étoile: ohhh
(21:55) Angel870: dont care really
(21:55) ßryWIJ Étoile: yesh...
(21:55) Mr.Ƥico: tu english

Mind you they were on escargots and it wasnt until I got on mine were they on hush mode smh this richness racism bullying thing is getting out of hand. IT NEEDS TO STOP